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    VapeStraight's Quick Guide To Getting Started With Aromatherapy

    October 16, 2023 5 min read

    VapeStraight's Quick Guide To Getting Started With Aromatherapy

    If you're familiar with aromatherapy and know what it's all about, you may want to skip this introduction because it's aimed at the newcomers that are otherwise unfamiliar with all that it entails. Then again, those of you who are familiar may want to read this anyways as you could learn a thing or two.


    For those who have no idea what aromatherapy is, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines aromatherapy as "massage of the body and especially of the face with a preparation of fragrant essential oils extracted from herbs, flowers, and fruits; broadly" and "the use of aroma to enhance a feeling of well-being."


    WARNING: Pregnant women may want to avoid some aromatherapy blends. Consult with your physician before engaging in aromatherapy if you're pregnant.


    For those who want to enjoy a nice pleasant, joy instilling aroma wafting through the air as well as those who want to bask in essential aromatherapy oils, there are a range of different types of blends - each with its own characteristics and potential benefits.


    Take for example the popular lavender (lavandula angustifolia) oil that finds use in perfume as well as aromatherapy. As far as its benefits are concerned, it's said to offer therapeutic benefits as well as potential benefits to digestion, respiration, and the human nervous system. It finds use in the treatment of both joint as well as muscular pain.


    But seeing as noting the potential benefits of using lavender might be misconstrued by some as medical advice, it's worth noting that aromatherapy should not be used in place of proper medical treatment. So if you have a medical issue, consult a licensed physician - not the internet.


    Beyond lavender, there are quite a few other blends that might be of interest to you. For instance, there are combinations of blends that some claim to improve happiness among other things. An example of one such blend entails a combination of sandalwood, rose, and bergamot. Another entails orange, frankincense, and geranium. With so many combinations, finding the one or ones that work best for you might prove to be a time consuming adventure. Fortunately, there's a lot of information already floating around the web pertaining to different recipes, which might help save you time. Perhaps you'll see one that just sounds right, try it out, and realize it's just what you've been looking for. One can wish.



    Popular Aromatherapy Blends

    Here's a list of some of the more popular aromatherapy blends out there:

    • Peppermint - Extracted from the leaves of a plant in the mint family.
    • Rosemary - An aromatic shrub native to southern Europe that's in the mint family.
    • Lemon - An oval fruit with acidic juice produced by an evergreen citrus tree commonly cultivated in warmer regions of the world.
    • Bergamot - Extracted from the Citrus Beragamia that's native to Southeast Asia.
    • Marjoram - Once popular among the Greeks as a digestive remedy used to resolve issues such as cramps and constipation, it is believed by some to offer a range of benefits.
    • Patchouli - No list would be complete without this favorite of hippies, it offers an earthy aroma that is believed to have mood elevating properties.
    • Cedarwood - Derived from the Juniperus Virginiana tree that is native to North America, this thousands of years old extract is believed to have first been used by the ancient Egyptians and to have also been one of the first essential oils to have ever been extracted by humans.
    • Chamomile - This is known for its soothing properties. It's extracted from either variety of Chamomile plant, of which there are two: Roman and German.
    • Rose - Extracted from fresh rose petals, this beautiful smelling extract is believed to help with issues ranging from depression and anxiety to heart and respiratory issues.
    • Jasmine - Extracted from the evergreen Jasminum grandiflorum that traces back to China. It smells sweet and some believe it to have powerful healing properties.


    Delivery Methods

    There's certainly more than one way to take in your aromatic blends and that's what this section here is dedicated to.

    • Ambient - One of the ways you can put your blends to use is to infuse your air with them. This is a somewhat common way of benefiting from the effects of aromatherapy. In order to pull this off, all you need is a diffuser, which is otherwise referred to as a vaporizer. These are devices which heat your blend to the point of vaporization, which releases their aromatic fragrances in the form of vapor. There are a lot of different vaporizers on the market that can do exactly this and there are even portable vaporizers these days so there's really nothing holding you back other than the cost if this how you want to do it. And if buying a diffuser just doesn't seem like something you see yourself spending money on, you can always toss your blends in a frying pan and gently heat them. It might not be the best way to do it, but it'll certainly get the job done.
    • Baths - Infusing your bath is yet another way to go about it. There are different ways to do this. One way is to use bath salts. Another way is to use bath oils. Whatever your preference, it basically has the same effect.
    • Massage - And if none of these sound quite right to you, you can even try aromatic massage oils.
      Of course, with all of these methods, you have the option of buying pre-made blends or making your own. You can make them from scratch or buy extracts to speed things up. And if you didn't realize, you can use any combination of these methods or all of them for that matter. The choice is yours.
    • Direct - As we mentioned vaporizers, it's worth noting that the direct delivery method is also available and there are even vapes designed to facilitate just that. One such vape is the Monq, a portable vape pen that comes in a variety of different flavors, each boasting its own unique blend of aromatherapy-oriented ingredients.


    There are a lot of potential benefits to aromatherapy when used correctly. According to some sources, the health benefits include the ability to eliminate headaches, help with sleep, increase energy, improve circulation, digestion, and healing. It's also believed by some to reduce depression and anxiety. At the least, it seems to have a calming effect for some. And as the negative impacts on the mind and body of stress have been well documented by medical science, it seems obvious the benefit that relieving some stress could have on the body.

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